Congratulations to JHKA and Forza in Croatia

A great trip organised by Sensei Jade. 5 students from Frontier Karate Association were invited to attend the World Karate Federation Youth Training and Kids Competition. One of Forza Karate Club student, KY attended his first ever Karate Youth League.

Here are the photos and quick run down of results

Ava Ogunyadeka: 0 – 0 (Lost on senshu first round

Jenson Ward: 1-5 ( lost first round)

Kai Ross (lost first round 2-2 on senshu) Repo -charge for Bronze lost 8-7. 5th place

Eliseo Ubor (to be updated)

Karate Youth League

Kobe Yogarajah – Beat Italy 4-0 1st round, Lost to Norway 0-2 2nd round